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Protein shake with water or milk: which is better?

There are so many different ways you can prepare your protein shakes

People who are active in the fitness sector often ask themselves whether they should prepare their protein shake with milk or water. The choice of options is actually larger than you might think. There are a wide variety of combinations available, from water to skimmed milk to plant-based milk alternatives.

Which component is the right one for your shake depends primarily on you. While all combinations offer certain advantages and disadvantages, you should focus on the desired taste and the type of diet you follow when choosing the right mixture. Individual tolerances should also make your choice between water and milk or plant-based alternatives easier.

If you want to combine your protein shake with water or milk and are currently on a diet or counting calories, the decision should be easy. In this case, you're probably better off using water. On the other hand, different types of milk offer the opportunity to add new flavors and can even turn a simple pre-workout shake into a taste experience. The right way to prepare it often depends on how many carbohydrates you want to consume at the moment. Depending on this, you should then bring the protein intake into line with your diet and the right training. So: protein shake with water or milk - which is better? We'll tell you everything you need to know.


Can you mix shakes with water?
Shakes can be mixed with (skimmed) milk, plant-based milk alternatives, but also easily with water. When mixed with water, the protein shake is not only lower in calories, but also digests faster.
How do you drink a protein shake properly?
A protein shake can be consumed 1-3 times a day. The portion size is indicated on the packaging. It is best to consume it immediately after getting up and before or after training. It can be prepared with water, (skimmed) milk or a plant-based milk alternative.
How quickly should you drink a protein shake?
Contrary to previous assumptions, there is no anabolic window after training in which protein intake must be ensured. It is much more important to have sufficient protein intake throughout the day - including around a workout.
How many calories does a protein shake with water have?
Since the calories in milk are saved when preparing it with water, a protein shake with water logically contains fewer calories. The calories vary depending on the manufacturer, protein form and flavor. A guideline value per 50 g portion is around 180 calories.



More protein & more taste? Prepare a protein shake with milk

Many people ask themselves: Can you drink protein shakes with milk? Of course, it's possible and gives you some tasty alternatives to water. Since there are so many types of milk on the market, you as a connoisseur are offered real variety. While some people prefer to try out different flavors, there are other athletes and shake drinkers who want to base their choice on the fat content of the milk. Of course, you can decide which one you want to make based on your taste or goal. As a rule, there is something for everyone:

  • whole milk with 3.5% fat
  • Low-fat milk with 1.5% fat
  • Skimmed milk / skimmed milk with 0.1 to 0.5% fat
  • Plant-based milk alternatives



In addition to the options mentioned, you can even mix your protein shake with lactose-free milk. This allows athletes and shake drinkers with lactose intolerance to enjoy their protein intake without any problems. However, if you use a product like our MORE PROTEIN, which contains lactase, it is particularly easy even if you are lactose intolerant. For people who have problems digesting lactose, lactase simply improves lactose digestion. The amount contained in MORE PROTEIN is dosed in such a way that you can even enjoy your shake with normal whole or skimmed milk.



These are the benefits of protein shakes with milk

The advantages of protein shakes with milk are numerous. Not only does milk give your protein shake a more intense, full-bodied taste - you also get a higher protein content after mixing than if you combine it with water. Protein shakes with milk often also have a much more pleasant consistency and are therefore more like a real milkshake, not only in taste but also in mouthfeel.

In your diet, the combination of protein powder and milk can provide a filling source of protein and, together with some fruit or nuts, can serve as a meal replacement , saving you the time it takes to prepare a meal. Of course, a protein shake with milk should not be a general replacement for a balanced diet. Healthy nutrients and fats round off the advantages of milk as a shake component. You can find a variety of additional nutrients in pasture milk that has been little processed.



Bad for calorie counters? The disadvantages of protein shakes with milk

Yes, the taste is good. However, protein shakes with milk also have their disadvantages. The full-bodied milk gives your shake significantly more calories than a combination with water. Therefore, calorie counters should consider this depending on their eating habits. In addition, the higher the fat content in the milk, the slower your body can absorb nutrients.

Protein shakes with milk are also often harder to digest. Just because you don't experience lactose intolerance in the form of significant digestive problems doesn't mean that your body doesn't have trouble digesting lactose. According to recent studies , 65% of the world's adult population has at least a mild lactose intolerance.[1]

However, this disadvantage can be compensated for depending on the substances in the protein powder. If the shake is combined with lactase, as with MORE PROTEIN, the body's digestion is not normally affected. However, milk is simply digested more slowly. As a meal, the combination is quite filling, but at the same time can also be felt as unpleasant in the stomach during training. This is particularly the case if the shake was drunk with milk shortly before training.

If you mix milk into a protein shake for flavor and still want to protect your body and save calories, you can use skimmed milk (approx. 30 kcal / 100 ml) with less fat. A plant-based alternative is, for example, unsweetened almond milk (approx. 13 kcal / 100 ml), which can also be considered by calorie counters or those on a diet.

Overall, you can clearly see that the protein shake with milk is particularly suitable if you want to drink it as a healthier substitute for sweets without additives or if you just want to enjoy it for the taste. It is similar to a normal milkshake. Although it contains a lot of natural protein and is supposed to support muscle maintenance and building, it is not the right choice for everyone. People who want to lose weight in particular should look to the water alternative.



Fewer calories & less taste? Prepare protein shakes with water

Can you drink protein shakes with water? Does water increase the effect of the proteins? When preparing protein shakes, you always ask yourself the question: Am I doing this right? There is no right or wrong. If you prepare protein shakes with water, there are just as many advantages and disadvantages as preparing them with milk. In principle, you only need liquid to mix a protein shake. So water can be used without any problem.

The reasons for combining protein powder and milk vary. Most people pay attention to calories and therefore prefer to accept a slightly lighter taste. If you want to mix protein powder with water or milk and decide to use water because of an intolerance, this can be avoided. Protein powder with lactase can help with lactose intolerance and thus ensures a pleasant taste even when combined with milk. If, on the other hand, you are following a strict diet, mixing it with water might be better for you.



What are the benefits of mixing protein shakes with water?

The most obvious advantage: Unlike milk, water is extremely inexpensive and available almost everywhere. In addition, water is guaranteed to be well tolerated and protein powders without lactase can also be tested without any problems. A protein shake with water does not collect any additional calories due to the mixture and is therefore ideal for people who want to pay particular attention to their figure. Since water is less viscous than milk, this can be an advantage with powder that is difficult to dissolve.

This often means that fewer lumps form. However, with high-quality protein powders there are no problems with solubility in either milk or water. Protein powder dissolved in water is also quicker to digest than fatty milk, meaning that the body absorbs the nutrients somewhat faster. In practice, however, this fact is negligible. So if you want to mix your protein with water or milk and are unsure, you should always look at the advantages and disadvantages of both components. While milk is perhaps more suitable for feasting, water offers the advantage of a particularly light protein shake and is suitable for calorie counters and for losing weight with protein powder. The effect on muscles and muscle building during training is of course not influenced by preparing it with water.



Bland taste and fewer nutrients: What are the disadvantages of protein shakes with water?

The main argument against preparing a protein shake with water is probably the taste. Many shake drinkers feel that the combination with water greatly affects the taste and, unlike milk, does not contribute to the aroma of the shake. However, this can be explained by the fact that the powder should have a certain quality of flavor. If this is not the case, the taste in combination with water seems very bland and the advantage of the low calories quickly fades into the background.

When considering whether a protein shake is better mixed with milk or water, you can also take a closer look at the nutrient intake. The disadvantage of preparing it with water is that no additional nutrients are absorbed. The right choice must therefore be made individually depending on your diet or nutrition.



Whey or casein: Can you mix any protein powder with water or milk?

Mixing whey protein powder with water or milk is usually not a problem. A powder with casein or a combination is also a great way to prepare it. As a combination, whey and casein can combine the good properties of both proteins and support your body in the best possible way. In our MORE PROTEIN you can not only taste it, but also get all the benefits of both proteins. Simply choose your personal favorite.

While whey makes your shake more liquid, casein gives it a creamy consistency. You can therefore mix the protein powder depending on what taste and consistency you want to achieve. The combination of milk and casein usually creates the creamiest result. But be careful - when mixing the powder, you should differentiate between caseinate and micellar casein. While caseinate gives you a fluffy, creamy consistency, micellar casein quickly becomes thick and can form lumps. Simply avoid such disadvantages by taking a close look at the composition of the protein powder before choosing.

One of the advantages of whey protein is that it is quickly absorbed by the body and this effect can be enhanced when combined with water. Whey powder is therefore sometimes available exclusively for preparation with water. However, such combinations are generally less reminiscent of a real protein shake and are more like a fruit drink in terms of consistency. Other whey protein shakes, however, work just fine with water or milk. To make the right choice for you, your diet and your goal, you can also try out different products and combinations. You are guaranteed to quickly notice what is best for your body, muscles and figure.



The middle way: Mix protein shakes with water and milk

Who would have thought it - if you want to enjoy the benefits of both milk and water, you even have the option of mixing both components with your protein powder. Instead of preparing your protein shake with water or milk, you can simply combine both liquids in a 50:50 or 70:30 ratio and thus ensure good taste with fewer calories.

If you mix water and milk, your protein shake will taste more milky. However, carbohydrates and fat are saved. You will hardly notice any difference, especially with shakes that contain casein. In contrast to whey protein, casein guarantees a thicker, creamier consistency and provides a full-bodied taste experience despite the water content. Another key point: the combination of the two components means that you are not quite as full and therefore do not feel as full in your stomach even if you have not finished training for a long time.



Would you prefer a protein shake with water or milk? It all depends on the preparation!

Deciding whether you would prefer to use water or milk to mix your shake is the first step towards an all-round successful taste experience and your personal goal. However, there are additional ingredients that you can use in combination to customize the taste. Simply mixing the protein powder with milk or water is particularly worthwhile when you are in a hurry and are just about to go to training, for example. However, we would like to introduce you to a few methods to spice up your shake if it can take a little longer:

  • Just enjoy your protein shake ice cold. Cold milk or cold water not only has a positive effect on the taste, they also provide a pleasant freshness, especially in summer. Our insider tip: mix in ice cubes. If you prepare your shake in the Blender Bottle® with ice cubes, it will be even creamier.
  • Protein and caffeine kick: Especially for breakfast, you can use cold or warm coffee as a base for your shake. If you choose hot coffee, however, you should not mix the protein powder in the shaker - otherwise you could easily scald yourself.
  • Round it off as a meal replacement with other dairy products and foods. Even if you prefer to enjoy your protein shake with water or milk, you can try out a variety of recipes with quark or yoghurt, fruit or nuts and use your protein not only as a protein shake, but also in a completely different way.



Recipes for delicious protein shakes with milk or water

Protein shakes are not only a good snack between meals, they are also a versatile meal replacement. If you combine protein shakes not only with milk or water, but also try out other ingredients, you will quickly get to know different recipes and discover one or two things for yourself. Our recipes offer you nutrient-rich shakes that contain plenty of protein and taste delicious at the same time. To refresh your diet without feeling guilty, we offer you the chance to save extra calories from sugar and the like with our MORE PROTEIN and the taste of the CHUNKY FLAVOUR varieties and still mix sweet, varied drinks with your fitness.

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